People who share a passion.

At impatto, our employees and network partners all have one thing in common: they are passionate about their clients’ success and understand what change is.

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We love success!
That's why at impatto we can depend on a team who constantly strive to get better at what we do.

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Expertise gets results.
That’s why at impatto we work with qualified business and scientific specialists whenever the need arises.

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Do you share our passion?
Then we’d love to hear from you! Get in touch if you want to become a part of impatto.

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Mauro minelli square web

Mauro Minelli

Sandro wicki square web

Sandro Wicki

Claudia square web

Claudia Tognacca

Audrey balsiger square web

Audrey Balsiger

Leonie aeschlimann square web

Leonie Aeschlimann

Jessica sallin

Jessica Sallin

Jeanmarc koller square web

Jean-Marc Koller

Urs etter square web

Urs Etter

Armelle vallette dosia square web

Armelle Vallette d'Osia

Mauro Minelli

Mauro Minelli

Associate professor of occupational and organisational psychology at the University of Neuenburg
Managing director

«The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.» ­– Ferdinand Foch.

A man of passion and great ability, Mauro has a talent for inspiring his clients, getting them on board and working with them to break new ground. The result? A tight-knit community in which all involved outdo themselves and achieve results they would have thought were impossible.

  • PhD in Business Administration (Dr. rer. oec.), Masters in Psychology (lic. phil. hist.) and Masters in Pedagogy (mag. phil. hist.) from the University of Bern and Texas A&M University
  • Creation and senior management of several companies
  • Many years’ experience of consulting for renowned national and international clients
  • Research and consulting in particular in the fields of organisational and strategy development, performance management, personnel development, sales force management and selling
  • Teaching contracts at the Universities of St Gallen and Bern
  • Lecturer at the University of Neuchâtel
  • Various awards for particularly application-oriented and practical research
  • Various publications
  • Languages: German, Italian, French, English and Spanish
Sandro Wicki

Sandro Wicki

Deputy managing director, responsible for new media and innovations

«Excellence is not a skill. It’s an attitude.» – Ralph Marston.

Sandro sees barriers as challenges, opportunities for him and his clients to grow. The experience of working with Sandro is one of passion, dedication and endurance – with efficiency and effectiveness always at the forefront of their mind and the continual aim of achieving the best possible outcome.

  • Mediamatician and Swiss mediamatics champion
  • B.Sc. degree in business psychology
  • Speaker at the Bern University of Applied Sciences on the subject of team management
  • Head of the department of mediamatics training in Bern and Zurich
  • Several years of teaching and experience in developing training programmes
  • Creation of a start-up company in referral marketing
  • Certified consultant for an implicit visual method for personality analysis
  • Certified consultant for the ProMES method, a process for improving team productivity
  • Languages: German and English
Claudia Tognacca

Claudia Tognacca

Customer and team support, facilitator

«Der Wille bestimmt die Bewegung..» – Oswald Spengler.

As a pragmatic realist, Claudia finds the right solution for every challenge. Thanks to her many years of experience, particularly in the military-diplomatic field, she quickly breaks down complex situations into their individual components. Everyone involved gains an overview; the next steps can be tackled together. Claudia's way of working? Preferably with joy, passion and curiosity.

  • Trained as a primary school teacher at the Thun State Seminary
  • Studies at the University of Bern, secondary teaching degree, graduated as secondary teacher Phil hist
  • Many years of experience in the management of youth organizations
  • Extensive experience in diplomacy and international relations
  • Certified systemic-resource-oriented coach
  • Languages: German, Italian, French, English
Audrey Balsiger

Audrey Balsiger

Responsible for diagnostics, facilitator

«Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that’s creativity.» – Charles Mingus.

Audrey has a knack for explaining complex issues clearly, particularly when it comes to personality and behavioural psychology issues. How does this benefit her clients? Thanks to Audrey's articulate explanations, they get to know and understand themselves better. With this insight, questions about everyday work tasks are easier to answer: What are my activities? What personality types do I get on with particularly well? Which work situations pose a particular challenge for me?

  • Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree in Psychology from the University of Bern with a focus on personality and differential psychology
  • Expert in diagnostics and behavioural psychology
  • Teaching experience at Bachelor level
  • Languages: French, German and English
Leonie Aeschlimann

Leonie Aeschlimann

Client and team support

«Try to be the rainbow in someone’s cloud.» – Maya Angelou.

As a tactful optimist, Leonie always finds a solution to help clients and team members in efficient and creative ways. What they like most about Leonie is her ability to come up with novel approaches to solutions that create added value.

  • Business diploma and a vocational baccalaureate (“Berufsmaturität”) from KBS bwd Bern vocational school
  • Languages: German, French and English
Jessica Sallin

Jessica Sallin

Social media and content manager

«Kreativität ist funktionales Chaos im Kopf.» – Aba Assa.

Jessica's fingertips tingle as soon as she hears words like creativity, presentations and design. This tingling compels her to start scribbling on her sketchpad, which is how she develops the ideas she is passionate about at impatto. And where does she channel this creativity? As a social media and content manager, she shapes our online presence – a task she approaches with a wealth of imagination and enthusiasm.

  • Qualified social media marketing specialist
  • Awarded «best individual practical work in the Canton of Berne»
  • Currently: social media manager at Adrianos and barista at the Effinger coffee shop
  • Languages: German, English, French
Jean-Marc Koller

Jean-Marc Koller

Senior consultant, facilitator

«Non si può insegare nulla ad un uomo, lo si può solo aiutare a conoscere se stesso.» – Galileo Galilei.

And that is exactly what Jean-Marc excels in better than anyone: listening, understanding and making progress together to enable each individual to grow from within. What clients particularly value about Jean-Marc is his knack for passing on his abilities and knowledge without telling them what to think. The result? His clients discover new sides about themselves and develop abilities they never suspected they had.

  • Swiss federal diploma in sales management
  • Many years of highly successful senior management experience as a general agent at a Swiss insurance company
  • 20 years’ experience in training salespeople
  • Neuromarketing trainer
  • Management consultant and coach for various SMEs
  • Talent developer
  • Master’s degree in neurolinguistic programming
  • Languages: French
Urs Etter

Urs Etter

«There is real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment.» – Norman Vincent Peale.

Urs effortlessly manages to captivate his clients. His enthusiasm sparks the same emotion in his audience, creating a valuable connection that gives his clients the energy to become invested. The result? A trusting and productive working and learning environment in which the participants learn because they want to and not because they have to.

  • Swiss federal diploma in sales management
  • Expert working with experienced sales professionals and technical sales people
  • Regional manager for a subsidiary of a major Swiss bank for several years
  • Many years of management experience as sales manager in the consumer goods sector with national and international brands
  • Responsible for expanding a dealer network in the construction industry for an international group
  • Languages: German
Armelle Vallette d'Osia

Armelle Vallette d'Osia

Consultant & Facilitator

«Allow your passion to become your purpose, and it will one day become your profession.» – Gabrielle Bernstein.

Mit Eifer und Leidenschaft geht Armelle ihrer Berufung nach. Auf diese Weise schafft sie es, ihre Kunden mühelos für verhaltenspsychologische Themen zu begeistern. Worin das mündet? In einen fruchtbaren Dialog, bei dem die Kunden neue Themenfelder für sich entdecken, die sie in ihrem Arbeitsalltag weiterbringen.

  • Studied occupational and organisational psychology at the University of Neuenburg, graduating with a Master of Science degree in psychology (M.Sc.)
  • PhD student at the Institute of Occupational and Organisational Psychology at the University of Neuenburg
  • Master’s level teaching experience
  • Expert in positive psychology and emotion research
  • Languages: French, German and English

Scientific experts

impatto stands for effectiveness, for impact. To be effective, you need expertise. That's why at impatto we draw on a network of proven scientific experts.

Prof. Dr. Arnold Bakker

Prof. Dr. Arnold Bakker

Professor of occupational and organisational psychology at Erasmus University Rotterdam

Scientific advisor for occupational and organisational psychology

Arnold Bakker is one of the most influential and frequently cited occupational and organisational psychologists in the world...

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Prof. Dr. Arnold Bakker

Professor of occupational and organisational psychology at Erasmus University Rotterdam

Scientific advisor for occupational and organisational psychology

Prof. Dr. Arnold Bakker

«Enthusiastic employees excel in their work because they maintain the balance between the energy they give and the energy they receive.» – Arnold Bakker.

Arnold Bakker is one of the most influential and frequently cited occupational and organisational psychologists in the world. He is particularly well known for the Work Demands and Labour Resources Model developed with Professor Eva Demerouti, which is designed to explain positive work performance. This model is very popular both in scientific circles and in practice. Building on this, Arnold Bakker has developed a series of successful online practical tools: the Job Demands Resources Monitor, Happiness Indicator and Engagement app. He is, therefore, considered a scientist firmly grounded in practice, making him a scientific advisor valuable to impatto in the fields of job crafting, work design and burnout prevention, topics that are of great importance in significant change projects.

Prof. Dr. Julius Kuhl

Prof. Dr. Julius Kuhl

Professor emeritus of differential psychology and personality, University of Osnabrück

Scientific advisor for personality psychology

Julius Kuhl is regarded as an internationally renowned pioneer in personality psychology and an expert in motivation, self-control and change competence

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Prof. Dr. Julius Kuhl

Professor emeritus of differential psychology and personality, University of Osnabrück

Scientific advisor for personality psychology

Prof. Dr. Julius Kuhl

«There is nothing as practical as a good theory.» – Kurt Lewin.

This famous quotation from Kurt Lewin is particularly true of Julius Kuhl, founder of Personality System Interaction (PSI) theory, currently one of the most comprehensive personality theories in the world. He is regarded as an internationally renowned pioneer in personality psychology and an expert in motivation, self-control and change competence. He has received several awards for his scientific work, with the German Society of Psychology honouring him with a lifetime achievement award. Employee adaptability plays a key role in the success of complex change projects; Kuhl's PSI theory is extremely helpful in building up resilience in change processes, and his personality diagnosis is of great help with practical work. His work as a scientific advisor is invaluable to impatto.

Prof. Dr. Norbert Semmer

Prof. Dr. Norbert Semmer

Professor emeritus of occupational and organisational psychology, University of Bern

Scientific advisor for occupational and organisational psychology

Norbert Semmer has mastered the ability to skilfully combine theory and practice and is an internationally respected...

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Prof. Dr. Norbert Semmer

Professor emeritus of occupational and organisational psychology, University of Bern

Scientific advisor for occupational and organisational psychology

Prof. Dr. Norbert Semmer

«Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.» – Anton Chekov.

This quotation accurately describes one of Norbert Semmer’s finest qualities. He has mastered the ability to skilfully combine theory and practice and is an internationally respected occupational and organisational psychologist. The Society for Occupational Health Psychology has presented him with a Lifetime Career Achievement Award. Good tools are an important prerequisite for successful change. However, the success of complex change projects depends less on the tool itself than on the context in which it is used. Norbert Semmer assists impatto, offering his expertise in shaping these contextual requirements and with occupational and organisational psychology issues in general.

Prof. Dr. Adrian Bangerter

Prof. Dr. Adrian Bangerter

Professor of occupational and organisational psychology, University of Neuenburg

Scientific advisor for personnel psychology

Adrian Bangerter has made personnel recruitment one of his key areas of research and is considered a proven expert in this field...

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Prof. Dr. Adrian Bangerter

Professor of occupational and organisational psychology, University of Neuenburg

Scientific advisor for personnel psychology

Prof. Dr. Adrian Bangerter

«Hiring the best is your most important task.» – Steve Jobs.

Adrian Bangerter has made personnel recruitment one of his key areas of research and is considered a proven expert in this field. His valuable practical recommendations for successful recruitment interviews, as set out in his book Réussir l'entretien d'embauche comportemental (How to succeed in a behavioural job interview) have often benefited impatto in the past and prove particularly useful in change projects.

Business experts

impatto stands for effectiveness, for impact. To be effective, you need expertise. That's why at impatto we draw on a network of proven business experts.

Bodo Janssen

Bodo Janssen



Bodo Janssen brought about a paradigm shift in the leadership and corporate culture of his company Upstalsboom...

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Bodo Janssen



Bodo Janssen

«Nichts davon war geplant. Ich wurde geleitet durch eine Sehnsucht, die sich in mir im Laufe der Klosterzeit entwickelt hatte. Das war die Sehnsucht, Menschen dabei zu unterstützen, sich so zufrieden zu fühlen, wie ich es dort erfahren habe.» – Bodo Janssen.

Bodo Janssen brought about a paradigm shift in the leadership and corporate culture of his company Upstalsboom, a medium-sized hotel group based on the northern coast of Germany. His goal was to develop an authentic corporate culture through an unlikely combination of spirituality, science and business. Upstalsboom was voted top employer in 2014 and Bodo Janssen has since received other business awards. An incredible success story – including in terms of the numbers involved: Upstalsboom doubled its turnover, employee satisfaction rose by eighty percent, and customer satisfaction rose to almost one hundred percent. Janssen describes this change as a “silent revolution”. The story of his success became a bestseller, which was also made into a film. Our exchanges with Bodo Janssen are invaluable to impatto, a source of inspiration that came to fruition through our corporate cultural change work.

Peter Fratton

Peter Fratton



Peter Fratton is one of the most renowned training entrepreneurs and learning innovators in Europe, establishing his first “House of Learning”...

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Peter Fratton



Peter Fratton

«Lass mir die Welt, verschule sie nicht.» – Peter Fratton.

Peter Fratton is one of the most renowned training entrepreneurs and learning innovators in Europe, establishing his first “House of Learning” in Romanshorn in 1980. He has received multiple awards for his work. His pedagogical concept of autonomous learning promotes self-efficacy, giving learners the confidence to obtain the skills to manage achievement situations with the utmost success. Self-efficacy goes hand in hand with mental resilience: people who perceive themselves to be self-effective are more committed to their professional life, develop more endurance when faced with obstacles and setbacks, experience less stress dealing with challenges at work and are less easily disheartened in the event of failure. Self-effective employees are well prepared for change projects. With his creativity, originality and knack for getting straight to the point, Peter Fratton is a great asset to impatto. His ideas inspire our work and create important prerequisites for successful change.

Lukas Camenzind

Lukas Camenzind


Business Advisor

As a former member of the executive board and head of the private and corporate clients business unit of Schwyzer Kantonalbank and owner of the company Wandler, Lukas Camenzind has learned from his own experience...

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Lukas Camenzind


Business Advisor

Lukas Camenzind

«Change is the end result of all true learning.» – Leo Buscaglia.

As a former member of the executive board and head of the private and corporate clients business unit of Schwyzer Kantonalbank and owner of the company Wandler, Lukas Camenzind has learned from his own experience. He knows that when we treat people with respect, help and support them on the path of change, and empower them to think, act and feel, they are able to realise their full potential and to transform themselves in a self-controlled and sustainable way. Lukas Camenzind has proved this in various very different contexts. His career is a success story, as the figures also show. His long-standing and successful experience in accompanying change processes makes him an inspiring network partner for impatto.

Colinda Kürschner

Colinda Kürschner


Business advisor

as founder and director of the Institut für angewandte Markenführung (Institute of applied brand management, ifam), Colinda Kürschner helps companies...

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Colinda Kürschner


Business advisor

Colinda Kürschner

«The best way to predict the future is to create it.» – Alan Kay.

The quotation says it all: as founder and director of the Institut für angewandte Markenführung (Institute of applied brand management, ifam), Colinda Kürschner helps companies and brands boost their future viability. She has a particularly keen eye for implicit values and visions, which form the basis for honing the normative reference framework and strengthening the future viability of businesses. Our cooperation with the Institut für angewandte Markenführung is of great value to impatto when it comes to establishing the strategic framework for cultural and structural change.

Alessandro Greco

Alessandro Greco

Head of Top Sports Swiss Tennis | Business Economist, lic. rer. pol.

Business Advisor

As head of high-performance sport at Swiss Tennis, Alessandro Greco is regarded as a proven expert in the field of talent development...

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Alessandro Greco

Head of Top Sports Swiss Tennis | Business Economist, lic. rer. pol.

Business Advisor

Alessandro Greco

«One of the greatest talents of all is the talent to recognize and to develop talent in others.» – Colin Powell.

As head of high-performance sport at Swiss Tennis, Alessandro Greco is regarded as a proven expert in the field of talent development. He has mastered the art of creating the individual conditions that his athletes require to enable them to develop their talent. This quality means he is invaluable to impatto when it comes to knowledge transfer from top-performance sport to the business world.

Philipp Rufer

Philipp Rufer

Entrepreneur | Business economist, lic. oec. publ.

Business Advisor

Philipp Rufer is experienced in this and knows how to break with conventional patterns in order to try out something new and unusual...

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Philipp Rufer

Entrepreneur | Business economist, lic. oec. publ.

Business Advisor

Philipp Rufer

«The real challenge for most organizations is not whether the rules of the game will change (because they will); rather, will they make the necessary (...) transformation required for future survival.» – Sven C. Voelpel.

The “rules of the game” are always changing, and companies are constantly forced to question the basic assumptions underlying their actions when it comes to business models. Complex change projects can no longer be handled in the same old way they once were. If conventional formulas no longer work, the answer is to let go of deep-seated patterns and try out new ones. Philipp Rufer has much experience of this and knows how to break with conventional (leadership) patterns to try out new and unusual things to achieve success. He has proven this at BMW Group Switzerland, among other businesses. He provides impatto with advice and resources to support our ground-breaking change projects.

Andreas Lanz

Andreas Lanz

Unternehmer, Coach und Personal Trainer, Gründer der TATKRAFT-werk GmbH

Business Advisor

Er ist der Entdecker der "Wim-Hof-Methode" und stets auf der Suche nach...

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Andreas Lanz

Unternehmer, Coach und Personal Trainer, Gründer der TATKRAFT-werk GmbH

Business Advisor

Andreas Lanz

Gemeinsam mit seinem TATKRAFT-Team bereitet Andreas Lanz Athletinnen und Athleten aus unterschiedlichsten Sportarten auf Weltmeisterschaften und Spiele vor. Zudem bringt er Artisten, Schauspieler und Models in Topform und verhilft «Sportfaulen» zu dauerhaft mehr Bewegung in ihrem Alltag. Er war 5 Jahre als Kolumnist für die «NZZ am Sonntag» tätig. 2013 veröffentlichte er sein erstes Buch, «Das AWL-Prinzip – Alles wird leichter». 2018 folgte dann sein zweites Werk «Der Powereffekt – Die Macht der Selbstverantwortung».

Andreas Lanz ist stets auf der Suche nach neuen Methoden und Techniken, die mit einem guten Aufwand-Nutzen-Verhältnis die Lebensqualität oder Leistungsfähigkeit verbessern können. In diesem Zusammenhang hat er die "Wim-Hof-Methode" entdeckt, mit der er sein Immunsystem herausfordert und seine Gesundheit aktiv beeinflussen kann. Seine positiven Erfahrungen möchte er nun möglichst vielen Menschen weitergeben.

Andreas Lanz ist bekannt für seine ganzheitliche Herangehensweise und seine Fähigkeit, individuelle Bedürfnisse und Ziele zu erkennen und darauf abgestimmte Trainings- und Coaching-Programme zu entwickeln. Seine Kunden schätzen seine praxisorientierten Ansätze und seine emphatische Art, die es ihnen ermöglicht, ihre Potenziale voll auszuschöpfen.

Joel Burger

Joel Burger

Entrepreneur | Mediamatician

Art Advisor

Joel Burger is impatto's contact person when it comes to film and photo productions...

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Joel Burger

Entrepreneur | Mediamatician

Art Advisor

Joel Burger

«Das Wesen des Menschen bei der Aufnahme sichtbar zu machen, ist die höchste Kunst der Fotografie.» – Friedrich Dürrenmatt.

Joel Burger masters this art skilfully. His results are first-class and meet the highest quality standards – which is why he is impatto’s go-to person when it comes to film and photo productions.

Looking for your dream job?
Apply to join us now!

We are passionate about the success of our clients. That's why we need people in our team who share this passion and who are willing to strive every day to get better at what they do. We are delighted that you want to become part of impatto ag. Send us your application or get in touch.
